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olympus trip md manual
WHAT YOU ARE BIDDING ON IS A REAL NICE OLYMPUS TRIP MD 2 INSTRUCTION MANUAL THIS MANUAL IS IN GOOD CONDITION. Trip MD2. Trip MD2. Get to know your product. Resources to help you better understand your Olympus product. - Trip MD2 Instructions The Trip MD2 is a fully-automatic 35mm compact camera, with motor drive and fixed focus - manufactured by Olympus. It was one of a series of cheap fixed I've seen the infinity/mountains button described in user manuals as "for when you are taking photos through the window of a tourist bus". :D. have an excellent 35mm point-and-shoot camera from Olympus, the Olympus Trip MD2. worrying about the complicated details of exposure and manual focus. Olympus Trip MD printed camera manual. Buy today. Receive a high quality printed and bound manual in days. 100% guarantee on all orders.
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